The number of skyward points received for submissions has been reduced. The number of skybuilders’ scrips received for submissions has been reduced. Players can no longer collect stamps for the Kupo of Fortune. In accordance with this update, the following additions and adjustments have been made to the submission of materials from the previous chapter:. To coincide with the updates to the Ishgardian Restoration, new materials can now be crafted and submitted. So it is that Lord Francel de Haillenarte turns his eyes to the fourth phase of the restoration effort, which will see the construction of a cultural district where nobleman and commoner, man and dragon alike might further enrich their lives through aesthetic pursuits. With the residences of the New Nest providing homes for countless Ishgardians and the markets of Featherfall ever flourishing, the Firmament is evolving day by day into the living, breathing heart of the post-war Holy See.
The fourth phase of the Ishgardian Restoration has begun.
Edenmorn Sabatons of Scouting -> Edenmorn Thighboots of Scouting. Edenmete Sabatons of Scouting -> Edenmete Thighboots of Scouting. Edenmorn Sabatons of Striking -> Edenmorn Thighboots of Striking. Edenmete Sabatons of Striking -> Edenmete Thighboots of Striking. The following item names have been changed:. Recipes added in Patch 5.41 will be listed at a later date. Items added in Patch 5.41 will be listed at a later date. Unlike other instances, the strength of the Echo will not increase in the event all party members are incapacitated.
The Echo will take effect upon entering Eden’s Verse (Savage), increasing players’ maximum HP, damage dealt, and healing potency by 10%. Players will now receive the power of the Echo in Eden’s Verse (Savage). These sidequests are unlocked once the Patch 5.41 Ishgardian Restoration story quests have been completed. Players must first complete the quest “May Featherfall Flourish.”. Once all reconstruction works included in Patch 5.41 have been completed, speak with Augebert in the Firmament (X:11.4 Y:14.1) to unlock these quests.